Simplify Your Life Week

These tips and ACTIVE's solutions help simplify your life and ease stress.
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We celebrate Simplify Your Life Week during August of each year. This week encourages us to refocus our lives and declutter, physically and mentally. Between scheduling last-minute activities and getting ready for the new school or the fall, August is an excellent time to hit reset, streamline our lives and get back on track.

Start simplifying by taking a closer at your workspace and the systems that keep you organized at the office or working from home. Is everything arranged in the most logical, productive order? If you take a hard look at simplifying work processes, it will involve saving energy and balancing projects, working more efficiently, preventing fatigue.

  • Review your to-do lists and look for balance, alternating between light and heavy projects.
  • Rotate tasks to stay focused and motivated throughout your workday.

We can simplify our home environment by creating more efficient habits.  

  • Busy families with different schedules can simplify their lives by keeping a shared digital calendar.
  • Have each child responsible for a chore; it will help your children develop self-discipline and confidence as adults.

Other Tips for Simplifying Your Life:

  • Set Monthly Goals - Instead of annual goals, start a more manageable task with monthly goals, beginning with two or three goals each month. By reducing larger goals into manageable chunks, you'll accomplish things you meant to do for a while.
  • Organize Your Closet - You don't have to be Marie Kondo to take charge of your life and declutter. Take time to sort through clothes and accessories. Make decisions to organize, deciding what to keep and what to donate. Reduced clutter helps lessen anxiety and gives everyone a clean slate.
  • Write Tasks on Paper - While it sounds counterintuitive, writing down email requests or action items helps clarify and prioritize. Reviewing the task on paper enables you to see them in order of importance, improving efficiency and saving time.
  • Utilize ACTIVE’s Solutions - Working with ACTIVE’s intuitive solutions will ease the administrative burden, lessen paperwork, provide instant data and streamline your programs.

Our solutions contains features and innovations that simplify classes, camps, programs and mass participation events. Our management solutions help improve community business and member engagement, providing:

  • Online registrations
  • Instant data and remote report access
  • Personalized newsletters and emails
  • Targeted marketing which generates an upswing in registrations and increases participation and revenue
  • Reduced administrative tasks and paperwork
  • And more!

Reach out to ACTIVE to learn more! 

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August 3, 2020
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