Are Your Marketing Efforts Increasing Registrations?

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In today’s world, word-of-mouth isn’t enough. You know you have a great program, we know you have a great program, but does the public know? Are you reaching the right audience with the right messaging? It’s a challenge that all programs face, but the ones that execute targeted, effective marketing plans are the ones that will see sustained success. Whether this is accomplished in-house or with a marketing services partner, all successful marketing campaigns should feature a few key things.

Customized Communications

How great would it be to have pre-built or customized email templates with your logo, photos and contact info to send out to your parents and registrants? Or perhaps the ability to schedule emails, import contact lists and select targeted groups to connect with the right people at the right time?We believe that streamlining the communication chain helps you devote less time to responding to phone calls and emails. This means you should be able to save your organization real money on branding efforts by achieving highly engaged, simple messaging to better reach every customer.We also believe you should be able to leverage social media networks to increase your program’s registrations. With a single click, registrants should be able to share their excitement about signing up for your program!

The Right Marketing Approach

Most programs like yours have something of an advertising budget or a way to reach people with messaging and branding. Lots of programs tend to think, “I’ll make a few posts, put up some pictures or videos from last year’s successful program and maybe even run a few ads on Facebook.”But are you really leveraging marketing tools the right way to drive new registrations and max out your program’s capacity? What about someone finding your program through Google or another search engine?You should be able to leverage the power of the right network for your organization. One that regularly interacts with your community, knows your industry and can get your programs filled to capacity before the last day of sign up. A partner that focuses on generating an impressive return on investment, not just filling spots.

Get the Reports You Need

This can be accomplished by using the web properties of that partner to expand your organization’s reach and capture your community’s audience data, so you’re able to target the right people with the right message in the right place at the right time. Modern programs on top of their outreach know that consumer behavior changes constantly, so success on the digital front requires the right reporting framework and the most up-to-date, customized view of your community possible.

Do You Feel Supported?

The execution is only as good as the team you have to handle it. Marketing, branding, exposure, influence, messaging, social impact… all supported by a team of professionals that understand the industry and communities most important to your programs. So, it’s handy to have an “extension” of your marketing initiatives in the form of a dedicated support team tailored to your organization. One that is there to help every step of the way—from implementation to tech support, campaign management and analysis. It is a reiteration of leveraging the right partner with specific community and industry expertise. A partner who can prove your success metrics and one who can ultimately help fill your programs while making a serious messaging impact.The power of the market is yours. Do you have a digital partner in your corner? To learn more about ACTIVE Network’s marketing tools and services, click here.

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January 24, 2020
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