4 Tips To Increase Program Participation

Increase your program participation with these helpful tips.
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Your organization’s programs are dependent upon participation—virtually or in person. If you’ve seen a decline in attendance, what do you do to increase those numbers? Having a game plan is essential for improving participation. Engage, communicate, analyze and improve—each is crucial in ensuring you have what you need to boost attendance.

Communication Is Key

One of the most critical elements in building your programs and retaining participants is communication. How are members of your community supposed to know about a particular program if it isn’t properly communicated? Sure, you could hang posters and flyers, but what you really need to do to get information about your organization in front of the right people is share information electronically. Everyone has a smartphone, a computer or a tablet, so make sure to send a message about your programs via email, text message or even on your organization’s social channels. Make your message simple, quick, informative and enticing. The goal is to get them to click on the provided link to learn more and register for your programs.

Digital Marketing Gets the Word out to Even More People

Getting the word out about your programs is the most important aspect of increasing your participation. By utilizing digital marketing to raise awareness, drive traffic and eventually convert potential participants, you save time and money.

The quickest and easiest way to share information about what your organization has planned for its members and potential participants is via email—if you have an existing and extensive email list. If not, or even if you do have an email list, another great way to share information to a bigger audience is via social media. Utilizing ads on Facebook, or even Instagram, is a great way to cast a wide net and capture the eyes of members of the community you might not otherwise reach. You can easily build audiences for your ads by location, age and even by interest (which Facebook has an expansive list to choose from).

If you have an email list that also includes first and last name, phone number, birthdate, zip code or city and state (not all are required but definitely help), you can upload it into Facebook’s Ads Manager and target those people, as well as create lookalike audiences based on of the list. Just make sure you are using quick and informative copy, along with an eye-catching photo or video with a great call to action.

Data Analytics Gives Great Insights

Utilize your organization’s existing data analytics to better understand your current and potential members and participants. Take note of which programs have steady participation and which are declining. Think critically about why certain programs aren’t doing as well, and dig deeper into your organization’s analytics to determine if those programs need to be cut or enhanced, or maybe even consider offering new programs that your community may need or enjoy.

With analytics, you will have a 360-degree view of each member within your organization full of member data, history and notes, which can help guide you to making important decisions on key programs your organization has to offer. With data-driven insights, you can feel confident that you are making the right choices to help increase participation.

Online Registration Makes It Easy

Online registration makes it convenient for members and prospects to learn about and register for programs your organization offers. The easier it is to register, to more likely it is for people to participate. Allow your community to effortlessly access your activities, programs and classes from anywhere and at any time via their smart devices. Update your organization’s website or app to have a more intuitive user interface that is customized for your organization, and watch those registrations increase.

Looking for recreation management software that can make registration easy, assists in communicating with your community, has extensive data analytics and more? Learn what ACTIVENet can do for your organization.

ACTIVE’s Camp & Class Manager solution makes these efforts much easier and more effective. The all-in-one solution offers your organization the ability to create professionally branded, eye-catching emails with easy-to-use templates, as well as send them to current and potential members. With Camp & Class Manager’s integrated social media, you will be able to grow your registrations and membership with ease. Talk to a specialist today!

If you are in need of assistance in digital marketing, we also offer digital marketing services.

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Jessica Harp
Marketing Specialist, B2B
October 1, 2020
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